Ground Rules Coaching was created out of necessity

Meet The Founder

Laura Hayes

Laura has taught in the Indiana warehousing community since 2015, and has a Masters Degree from Butler University in Teaching and Leadership. Her passion is to help and serve those around her to live more happy, fulfilling lives through sharing and teaching. 

  • Gallup certified Strengthsfinder coach, 

  • Wiley certified Five Behaviors of a Cohesive team

  • DiSC certified

  • Enneagram certified

  • Handle with Care Empathy certification

People frequently fall into management roles with little to no support or guidance to succeed- especially in the logistics and supply chain spaces.

We help managers lead their teams to success, and lead themselves from bad, stressful habits and practices, to behaviors that foster genuine communication and lead to a happy work-life.

Why did I start GRC?

The Logistics and manufacturing industries are unique.

They are crucial to our local economy and this industry is fast-paced and getting more complicated by the day. You add the various cultures, generations, personalities and strengths of their people to the mix on top of a worldwide pandemic and even the most skilled leader in the world would be crushed under the weight of all their responsibilities. I saw a need for this industry to have a partner to help great leaders build into their teams and to have a plan to then develop the next generation of leaders. Traditional 3-day offsites and ½ day retreats where you read 3 books before attending just wouldn’t work for this industry. They need something that can use right now, they need it to come to them so they don’t leave the operation and they need an engaging experience to activate team building.

So I built it.

I build a bite-sizable, comes to your building plan for the logistics and manufacturing industry.